Posted on 11/24/2020
The Check Engine light. Always friendly, rarely truly useful to the driver, and always seems to turn on at the worst possible time. An unnecessary stressor on an already unreasonable Monday, you head to your local auto parts store advertising Free Check Engine Light Diagnostic. “Ah! Here's your problem!” P0171 “Thanks detective, that's helpful” you think to yourself. You go home and Google the code. P0171 System Too Lean (Bank 1). Cryptic, and with a laundry list of contradicting solutions. Your question has been answered with more questions. We understand it can be frustrating. In many situations you wouldn't even know anything was wrong if the light hadn't come on, but paying attention to it can prevent expensive repairs later. So what is a trouble code and how does it help? Well, it's only half of the story, but it's a start. Diagnostic codes help to narrow down what isn't wron ... read more