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Do You Need Diesel Fuel Injection Service?

Diesel Fuel Injection Service image - Belden's Automotive & Tires

The interest in diesel vehicles is gaining popularity in the US, with Texas being the leader in registered vehicles. Diesel vehicles are a proven player typically offering better fuel efficiency, great driving range, and superior performance. Not only that, clean diesel technology in today’s properly maintained vehicles emits near zero levels of emissions. However, you may have started experiencing any of the following:

  • Rough Idle
  • Hard Starting
  • Loss of Power
  • Decreased Mileage
  • Increased Exhaust Smoke
  • Slow Throttle Response


Diesel fuel deposits can form in many areas of the fuel system including: fuel lines, injector pump, injector nozzles, and combustion chamber causing any of the listed above along with drivability problems. Belden’s offers the BG Diesel Injection Service that will help:

  • Increase Power and Performance
  • Increase Miles per Gallon
  • Decrease Smoke Emissions
  • Improve Accelerator Response


The BG Diesel Injection Service will remove deposits from the fuel injectors, clean soot-black deposits from the fuel filter, prevent component corrosion and clean stubborn oil deposits. The service is intended to optimize fuel economy, prevent failure of very expensive fuel injectors, and increase overall engine performance and drivability. Fuel Injectors that are clean and functioning properly are key to getting the best performance and fuel mileage from your diesel engine. What is your MPG?

Diesel Fuel Inspection Service Discount at Belden's Automotive & Tires

Let Belden's Automotive & Tires perform a BG Diesel Fuel Injector Service & MultiPoint

Diesel Fuel Injection Service & Multi-Point Inspection

50% off for a limited time


Regular Price $328.95

Coupon Expires 7/31/2020

All Belden’s Automotive & Tires specialize in:

  • Advanced, in depth diesel diagnostic and engine repair
  • Able to provide all preventative diesel maintenance services
  • From ¾ ton all the way to most heavy duty applications
  • Quality diesel repairs with quick turnaround – you don’t have to wait months for the dealer
  • 24 month, 24,000 mile nationwide warranty, even on diesel
  • Highly qualified Diesel Technicians